Ticket Types

All ticket types give you triple night access and you get to sit in the same seat on all 3 nights!

VIP Ticket: $749

The VIP seats are the best seats in the house, right at the front of the venue!

When purchasing your VIP ticket, your choice of seat also determines whether you attend the Friday or Saturday VIP session.  A VIP ticket grants you access to only one VIP session.

The VIP session on your selected day includes:

  • Q&A session
  • Photo opportunity with Neal, band members & cast (photos available for download after the event)
  • Meet & Greet + signing session with the performers
  • Pre-show dinner at the venue (5PM) where you will be served a main course, a dessert and a drink
  • and hopefully, some fun and games!

You will also receive an exclusive merch bag which includes:

  • VIP exclusive t-shirt (don't forget to select your size!)
  • VIP laminate
  • Exclusive poster signed by Neal, band members & cast
  • Exclusive surprise merch item!

3 Night Ticket (Ground): $449

Entrance to Thursday, Friday and Saturday concerts
You can choose your seat anywhere in the general seating area

3 Night Ticket (Balcony): $399

Entrance to Thursday, Friday and Saturday concerts
You can choose your seat anywhere in the balcony general seating.

Location Information

  • October 16th 2025 from 6:30 PM to 11:00 PM CDTOctober 17th 2025 from 6:30 PM to 11:00 PM CDTOctober 18th 2025 from 6:30 PM to 11:00 PM CDT
  • New Life Fellowship
  • 3660 Hwy 31W, White House, TN, 37188 US

Inner Circle Show

As with previous Morsefest events, Neal will be holding a special show on Saturday morning for Inner Circle members. These are always special events and they are completely free to members of Neal’s Inner Circle.

IC members will be sent details of how to get a ticket for this event nearer the time.

If you'd like the full prog experience, but are not yet an Inner Circle member, then you can sign up here!

Thursday Schedule

6:30 PMConcert Doors

Doors open for general admission to Thursday concert

7:30 PMThursday Concert

Cheeto's Magazine
Neal Morse and The Resonance

10:00 - 10:30 PMConcert ends

Approximately, but we'll see...

Friday Schedule

3:00 PMFriday VIP Doors

Friday VIPs only

3:30 PMFriday VIP session

VIP session with the band

5:00 PMFriday VIP Dinner

6:30 PMConcert Doors

Doors open for general admission to Friday concert

7:30 PMFriday Concert

We Came From Space
Cosmic Cathedral

10:00 - 10:30 PMConcert ends

Approximately, but we'll see...

Saturday Schedule

10:30 AMDoors for Inner Circle Concert

Coffee and donuts will be served
(You must be an Inner Circle member to attend)

11:00 AMInner Circle Show

Last approximately 1 hour
(You must be an Inner Circle member to attend)

3:00 PMSaturday VIP Doors

Saturday VIP's only

3:30 PMSaturday VIP session

VIP session with the band

5:00 PMSaturday VIP Dinner

6:30 PMConcert Doors

Doors open for general admission to Saturday concert

7:30 PMSaturday Concert

One album

10:00 - 10:30 PMConcert ends

Approximately, but we'll see

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